Good morning to you the Lord's dream team legal warriors who always win 100% of the cases you go on, because God is so good I say God morning :) So far things have been as you stated as far as blessed goes, my son called me on Thursday from Virginia where he lives and stated his business started to boom and that he got a $1.3 million dollar listing and I was like LOL I know where that came from praise God. Then I called him and explained all the amazing grace that was on us and highlighted the COH experience and he was blown away. And wouldn't you know he was thinking of joining Freemasonry under the guise of networking. On that very call I explained it was satanic and the impact it would have on him and he was so grateful. I was blown away myself at how fast the enemy was at work to weasel back into our bloodline. That attack was thwarted and removed and now he knows the seriousness of the matter. My beloved wife was waiting on her green card stamp so she could actually get a job closer to home, she was driving 47 miles one way and working 12 hour shifts and getting paid way way below fair market value for her profession. She received the stamp and the card on Friday and now she will be able to get hired here close and we were struggling financially living check to check, and this is going to breathe life on us. And I was still struggling with oppression after the COH but my mindset and how I was looking at it changed so much that I knew I was to keep the faith and not eat the sea urchin sushi LOL and on Friday an Apostle in deliverance called me and asked me how I was doing. I had learned about his dad, and a deliverance giant in the Bronx from a dear brother in the Lord. He prayed for me a few weeks back and we haven't spoken since. On Friday I call an Apostle So, I told him about my COH experience and He gave me a key that helped so much about oath and giving my oath to the promises of God like Daniel :) and the other giants of the word. Then he invited me to be delivered this Sunday at 10AM. I am so beyond stoked because this is a date with destiny, a Holy winds Ambush bless God. So, the final clingers must uncling and I am so stoked and ready for God's best and will report back what I get from the Lord. Thank you so very much. I want to be a part of this ministry and would love to go through whatever process you have for it when you are ready to add a member and need someone for the epic growth and demand this is coming on this ministry. I referred many to you and know many will take advantage of this. I am so touched, and the best is yet to come. Thank you Thunders of God Danny boy the pipes of Jesus are calling Dean and The Rose of Sharon Ziegler videographer to the stars of heaven and seer to the throne of God live changer you Sharon :) And to Genese or Genesis the Queen of New Beginnings, an artist with the paint of Gods own heart that resets the pathways of life that were once crooked to the rightways of Christ therefore bringing us to a born again born again experience where we can start over and POWERFULLY at that and last but certainly not least Jim Campbells Jesus soup food for the soul demon slaying healer in the heart of Christ you have all touched me in the Lord so deeply and I will never be the same and this is only day 5. ALL GLORY to the God of Heaven and praise be to Jesus for all He has done.
The Courtrooms of Heaven ministry session was life-changing. Danny Dean explained the protocol, procedures, and Biblical foundations in simple and understandable terms.
The Blood-line Courtroom session revealed numerous cases where I or my ancestors had taken actions or spoken words that, unbeknownst to us, were offensive to others and resulted in previously unrevealed curses. Also, we were the recipients of fraud, extortion, and other injustices that resulted in the theft of honor and wealth that had been divinely intended for kingdom use by our ancestors and our descendants. Each of these issues were resolved quickly and clearly. I felt like a hundred pounds was lifted off of my shoulders - weight I did not know I was carrying until it was gone!
The Courtroom of Overcomers was an unexpected celebration. Many promises that had been spoken to me in private prayer, and some that had been prophetically spoken to me by others, were brought out and awarded to me in the Courtroom.
As a result of these sessions, I felt truly liberated and divinely empowered to fulfill my divine destiny. Within a few days of these sessions, I met with and entered into a partnership that will provide all of the resources needed for global projects in the days and years ahead.
Don't wait! You need this - now!
John A, Washington
I am amazed by the grace of God's love that revealed the blockages that were keeping my prayers, destiny and dreams from being a reality. After being led in prayer to navigate the court rooms of heaven and dealing with the accusations in my blood line I was thrilled to repent and forgive me and my relatives. Through a repented heart I am set free and all those affected are blessed and given their rewards. My books were opened and the Blood of Jesus blotted out my transgressions and my new life is realized in heaven and on earth. PRAISE GOD!
In the celebration room my destiny is restored and the gifts of the Spirit are magnified in my walk with my Father. My intimacy with my Father is as close as my mouth. As I breath in and out my Father is surely with me as he leads me to the still waters. Peace reins and I'm sure in my place in His Kingdom Community.
Thank you to all that sat on the panel and now my brothers and sisters who are known by their testimonies and the Blood of The Lamb.
Sharon Z.
Dear Apostle Danny,
Thank you and the courtroom team so much for investing in my heart, family, career, home, and business by praying for me and releasing powerful prophetic words. I am so grateful that you presided as co-navigator over this morning's courtroom session. The entire team was exceptional.
I appreciated your mapping out the process at the start of the session and walking me through the steps with a steady, assuring hand that gave me confidence. The format was easy to follow because you made each step predictable, yet there was plenty of space for the Holy Spirit to write in.
The team of apostles and prophets who served on the court room team were mature, experienced seers who provided affirmation and HD-clear descriptions of their visions. I was assured throughout the process of repenting and forgiving for sins and iniquities of my bloodline that there was no condemnation in the process. From start to finish I felt accepted, loved, approved, and affirmed.
I have been through many other kinds of inner healing over the years, but this was unique. The accuser lost legal ground. In the Throne Room of Grace and the Court of Redemption I came to a new level of trust that released a newfound trajectory of Kingdom joy.
A highlight of the session was an epiphany I call the "power of One Day." There might have been times in the past when the enemy was up to no good, but the power of One Day - a day of release of grace and mercy in the courts of heaven - was unleashed. "Better is One Day in Your courts than a thousand elsewhere!" (Psalm 84:10)
Thank you, Apostle Danny Dean and team for investing your prayers, time, spirit, wisdom, and love into my courtroom session - and me. You and the team are absolutely stellar!
I highly recommend Courtroom of Heaven sessions to those seeking freedom and increase. Find out for yourself the power of One Day!
Imagine the possibilities!
With heartfelt gratitude,
My experience today in the Court of Heaven was remarkable. The sense of refreshing and renewal has remained with me this entire day. The sense that "things have been put to right" is the best I know how to describe what has been transacted.
There's a deep settled peace and assurance within me in the confirmation of prophetic and apostolic insight revealed from the team members throughout the session. The manifest presence of the Holy Spirit was tangible throughout and I am deeply grateful for the availability of this ministry.
Pamela Ferguson, KREM
Hello, Everybody:
I am writing to give a praise report on the following. 4 of the 7 following requests have been closed and completed, and the remainder are still in the wings and looking good! All in God's perfect timing, right? Thank you for your continued prayers for the balance.
Still, I struggle with the alcohol addiction and cravings and request your prayers to get rid of that demon. I also have a tobacco addiction (smoking) that is in my way...and it seems that this is the first thing that needs to go, even before the alcohol thing. In my opinion, the tobacco seems to be the barrier or mountain that is keeping me from breaking through the alcohol barrier. I really can't think of any other things I need to repent of except those two things. (Except for my daily sins as a human being just being human.)
I feel so blessed to be able to reach out to you all, even though some of us have not met in person. I feel that I know you all, after seeing some of your videos, reading your books, going through the COH, and even meeting some of you personally. I am actually adopted and feel as though I have been adopted into your family now. I know that I am adopted into the Family of God for sure, and I love knowing that!
In my mind's eye (or vision, of which I have been having lately), I see the COH as a great courtroom with all of the usual...dark mahogany woodwork and a large Judge's bench with witness stands on each side. There is no Jury or observers, only God at the bench, JESUS at my side, the accuser, and me. (I never give the accuser a proper name or proper title, but you know who I am speaking of.)
JESUS is my advocate against the accuser. The accuser has many demons running around the foot of the Bench of the Lord, and each one is scurrying around as if their life is in danger. And that is true, because my advocate JESUS speaks for me and banishes each demon for every lie ever said or told about me or to me, even back into my Ancestral history that I know nothing about. As each lie is revealed and broken, another demon is banished to the lake of Hell, or otherwise swept off of the COH until it is clear and free of all demons and even leftover dust bunnies under the chairs. God confirms my salvation and FREEDOM with His gavel, and we are done. BAM!
Oh, there is so much more to share, but so little time. I wanted to share this with you all and to let you know that I love you and appreciate you all. Thank you each for your prayers and support.
In Him,
HI Sharon,
I found my recording! I just wanted to let you know. I re listened to it and am so encouraged. It was so wonderful and I have had numerous dreams and encounters in the past months since this time and I plan on walking fuller and further into all this freedom that I have received! Its such an honor and pleasure to have been able to go through this. One day I would love to help others through this ministry and see them get set free from the things that hold them down. God is so good and so faithful.